Mood Rings and Birthstones
Our discussion in class of crystals and gems has reminded me of a forgotten object of my childhood: the mood ring (did anyone else have one?). Though I doubt that Claire’s and Limited Too were selling all-knowing gemstones, I once believed that the “color” of my mood on the ring corresponded with how I actually felt, and I have come to understand that it was all based on body temperature ). Similarly, my friends and I were fascinated with our birthstones growing up. We would buy each other friendship bracelets and birthday gifts based on the other’s birthstone. I haven’t read anything about my birthstone (aquamarine) in our book, but was interested to learn that my best friend’s birthstone, the sapphire, “is linked with the third eye, a sign of enlightenment… early popes wore sapphires in signet rings to signify that they guarded holy secrets,” (p. 106). I was also intrigued to learn that emerald is “said to bring love into people’s life” (p. 106); while I’ve...